Sep 10

Trouble the Water

Recently, BH’s film class had the opportunity to meet Kimberly Rivers Roberts, a rapper from New Orleans’ 9th Ward who picked up a hi 8 camera at a Pawn shop, and filmed her experiences while holed up with her husband in their attic during Katrina.

Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal followed Kim for sometime as she coped with the aftermath of the storm and appropriated some of Kim’s footage into their own film, Trouble the Water, which went on to be nominated for an Academy Award for best feature documentary. The rapper has since released an album and started her own record label.

The film stands as an important reminder to aspiring filmmakers that the power of influence and interest is not limited to those with the best training or gear – but simply with those who are awake and attuned to the moment of their own story.

Read an interview with Kim here.

Jul 10

Chief Seattle

BH is visiting the Pacific Northwest this week, discovering a whole new landscape of Indian territory. Today we visited Chief Seattle Elementary in North Seattle, where these dramatic murals of Chief Sealth and Chief Joseph and others survive, despite how the walls they are applied to are deteriorating.

Continue reading →

Jul 10


BH is identified as being in this cheerful photo, which is just a detail from an impressive panamorama of hundreds of equally dour-looking British faces shot at Eltham College in England, 1959.

He’s pegged as the very astute-looking D-27.

The full photo is available for download here.

Ha ha.

Jul 10

From the archives

Occasionally, BH likes to dig out a film clip from his impressive interview archives. He’s met and interviewed a lot of notable celebrities, as they’ve stopped over at Rice for a screening or lecture. This time, he just so happened to meet Isabella Rossellini, who offers some thoughts on her father, Roberto Rossellini, who was an early collaborator at the Rice Media Center.

Here’s her interview with BH:

And here’s what she’s up to now.  Bug porn….

Jul 10

The Making of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre Film

In response to popular demand, visitors can now view an excerpt of BH’s film, The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Documentary, which was filmed during the making of Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation, which includes great interviews with writer/director Kim Henkel, behind-the-scenes footage of impressive stunts and, of course, scenes of Matt and Renee hanging out on set.

View the excerpt here. Or shoot us a note if you’re interested in purchasing a copy of the film.